Welcome to the LMA
Welcome to the London Musicians’ Association
We are an association of musicians living in SW Ontario who perform on local and international stages. Our affiliation with the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada provides LMA members with representation thoughout North America. We are dedicated to establishing and maintaining professional standards, ethics and fees in the music industry.
LMA Music Services
Find the right musicians for your event or project easy and stress free. Our diverse membership provide a wide variety of music styles on demand. Their experience and professionalism removes the difficulties associated with hiring live music. Or if you’re interested in learning how to play music we have many accomplished teachers that play a wide variety of instruments.
American Work Visas
LMA Members have access to US Work Permits for touring and Showcase visas for events like SXSW in Austin, TX. We also provide assistance with tour preparations like IRS withholding and carnet manifests, plus support from AFM locals throughout North America.
Music Performance Fund
Contact our office for access to the Music Performance Fund which provides co-funding for live music throughout SW Ontario. Through MPF funding the LMA supports a variety of local programs including Jazz for the People and the Springbank Gardens Concert Series.
Music Services
In addition to the LMA’s online musician/teacher request and booking referral, the AFM provides services for the freelance musician or group including AFM Entertainment and GoPro for international exposure.
Instrument & Liability
HUB Insurance provides LMA members with affordable instrument and liability coverage.
Performance Contracts
LMA members have access to AFM Live Performance and Recording contracts for Canada and the United States that will be defended by the AFM in the event of default.
Musicians Pension Fund
The Musicians’ Pension Fund of Canada is one of the largest pension funds in the entertainment industry. Every year, tens of millions of dollars are paid out to musicians who have made use of this benefit.
LMA Supported Events
Jazz for the People
Live jazz at the Wolf Performance Hall 7-9pm on the last Wednesday of the month. Co-sponsored by the Music Performance Fund .
Springbank Gardens Concert Series
Summer Sundays 2-4pm featuring a diversity of exceptional local groups.
Forest City London Music Awards
Working closely with the organizers of our city's awards show featuring the best of London's musicians, providing professional advice for local musicians.
Wortley Village Jazz & Blues Festival
End of the summer music street festival co-sponsored by the Music Performance Fund.
LMA Artists & Articles
COVID-19 Recommendations as of February 15, 2021
As the Province of Ontario and the Middlesex-London region continue to experience persistent cases of COVID-19, we at the LMA want to help our local musicians reduce the risk of being exposed to or possibly transmitting this virus during performances. With this in...
Springbank Concert Series Cancelled for 2020
In light of the recent Covid 19 pandemic and out of respect for the health of our fellow citizens, the London Musicians Association (Local 279 of the Canadian Federation of Musicians) has decided to cancel this years Springbank Gardens Concert Series.Since August...
Difficult Times For Musicians
We at the LMA have a lot of musicians asking me about financial aid for full-time players. For AFM/CFM members there is many resources to go to but there is also help for non-members as well. This link will give you a starting point.CFM
Office Location & Hours
107 Duchess Avenue, London, ON, N6C 1N7
11:00am – 3:00pm
PHONE: 519-685-2540
AFM 24-Hour Emergency Assistance
Within Canada:
CFM Office: 1-800-INFOFED (1-800-463-6333)
Within the USA:
AFM Office 1-800-ROADGIG (1-800-762-3444)